New antennas on 18m tower

2x Yagi Dualband 2m+70cm / 11 x 23 El. Horizontal, 2x coax (PA144-432-34-6-2CB) Special heavy duty version 40×40 boom ends into 50×50 center boom guy wired. Can last the heavy winds at the west coast of Denmark. 7/8″ inch Heliax for both bands. No preamp for 2m. HA8ET VLNA for 70 cm. Top yagi is 1296 SHF antenna, cut down to 56 elements with an extra strut boom for support. For 1296 i use 1,25″ inch Heliax coax. 6xelm + 4×4 elm 2m. 2×5 to south, 2×5 to UK, 2×5 to east, 4×4 to Sweeden and Norway Fully remotecontrolled or manual control from site. |