Currently in shack:
IC-9700 mainly used for 2m operations SSB/NAC Contests
IC-7300 Used for HF+Digimodes + 6m/4m ES + NAC Contests
IC-7100 working the remote tower for 144/432mhZ bands
Recently sold IC-756 pro3 and bought the IC-7300.
Actually i find the FT.991 as a better rig for 6m operations. Also the FT-991 is the one i use for portable operations 144/432mhZ.
The Ic-7100 was the best solution for the remote operation, but clearly not the best radio for big-signals and the FT-991 is a way better radio.
I know that using a transverter with a better back-end radio might improve the setup quite a lot, but its very convenient to have the VFO / frontpanel in your hands.
For an option i have a campingwagon at the remotesite for plugging in the better radio in the NAC.
The SSPA for 144 mhz at home is currently homebrew 1KW solution from Jim, W6PQL
For the remote site i currently use 400w/500w combi pallet from Italab 432mhZ 400w/144mhZ 500w @48v DC.
For HF+6m operations i use the Expert 1K-FA.
For 4m operations i have legal limit from IC-7300.
FT8 / MSK144 Operations
The Expert in action