5P6T in REG1 / EDR July test 2018
5P6T contest call
QTH : Bavnehoej, Asklev, central Jutland
Location : JO46SC
Height : 135m asl.
2m setup:
Power : 750w
Antennas : 4×4 elm DK7ZB on dx tower 9m.
1x17elm Tonna on 17m lift. Total of 152m asl.
6m setup:
Power : 500w
Antenna : 1×5 elm Tonna
Our location is on a farm nearby and old air scouting site used by the military.
This year we where lucky to have fixed power line and no use of generators, operating from inside a guest house.
OZ1LMZ, Henrik operating the 6m station
OV3T, Thomas operating the 2m station
Laptop + extra monitor, The FT-991, G1000 rotor control, cofee (a must).
We had several log programs but we choose wintest because its very easy to use.
No field day without problems :
When setting up the gear, i discovered this horrible faulty pallet.
The main base for our 2m transmitter was fried from beeing used last time outside in rainy conditions. Some sparks must have been seen at some point last contest.
Leason learned for next time : test your gear few days before.
Even though much better prepared this year, “no field day without severe problems”
is still valid.
At our luck i had an extra pallet from another project
and the local gury “inventor” Peter (Peteropfinder.dk),
was a very usefull lifeline, and he helped rebuilding the PA in only 2½ hours saturday before contest start.
The heatsink at the table, readjusting the bias current
The PA on the bench, the dummy load and the pwr supply fired up ready for testing.
My LDMOS project is alive again ! Find info about this project here
Now to the antenna setup :
Building lift 17m lifting height.
The location has allmost 360 degree full line of seight.
Going up over the rooftop, you can see very far in all directions.
On top 17elm Tonna for 2m with rotor.
25m RG213 foam for this.
on bottom was 5 elm Tonna for 6m with rotor.
We where lucky to avoid interference between the bands.
4×4 homebrew with power baluns and homemade fasing cables.
During the test from the pictures, SWR and perfomance turned out quite nice.
To avoid losses and not using preamps, we mounted 20m of 7/8 heliax to this stack.
Both systems fased together and possible to switch between them.
But 750w divided in to two systems is not the greatest setup, but it was all we had available for this contest.
9m tower for field use, from 3x3m sections leightweight in 210 degress (SW).
Henrik on top, mounting the top section using a pipe and a wheel to pull it up.
The setup was very nice, nothing wrong with it at all, a wish scenario in some case, unfortuneately the conditions where terrible and unless you live nearby the Danish border with heavy QRO setup and multiple antennas to be heard in the “soup” down in central of Germany and further south, you have no chance to be heard unless the stations actually turns their antennas to the north.
We only managed 100 qso’s, which would be concidered to be normal in a 4 hour NAC tuesday test. You can’t force anyone to turn the antennas and you can’t really blame anyone for having their antenna where the pile up is coming.. Dissapointed offcourse, but now we have less work to do in the coming contests.
One reason for lacking qso count could be
that many stations has gone for vacation theese weeks.
Total 100 qso’s, 11 DXCC, 43 WWL / Squares.
ODX : M0HRF/P in IO91GI, 895 km
We had several good contacts, amongst TM2F in JN19, a few uk stations in IO9x’s and JO0x’s, RW2F Kaliningrad Jo94 and some DL and OK in JN squares.
Allmost none LA+SM worked.
But our main goal for the weekend to have fun and prepare the site for next times where achieved. At all a great weekend with barbecue and a few beers.
All the best from 5P6T contest team