Remote site

Tower project, november 2017

Taking down the old 4×4 dk7zb yagis, and taking off the top section (22,5m).

Total height of the tower is 45m. Location is JO46QH central Jutland,
70m above sea level.

Old Flexa Yagis where damaged and only lasted about 2 years before total damage and metal fatigue. Instead putting up 25x25mm booms for the new setup.

Old 4m Storno tower ready for restauration. Bottom 22,5m still standing.

Denmarks largest crane with 62m of extended arm + basket.
Tnx for the support Brdr. Mortensen !  My friend Jesper allways willing to help out with this kind of a project for a low  radio amateur budget.

Half way done, one side of the H frame mounted + fixed antennas.

Finally late november 2017, the wind was acceptable to put up the top section.

Just before sunset, the tower was raised. After two failed tries due to heavy winds.

Leasson learned from this project : dont do this in november !

Tower located on industrial ground.

A special tnx to LM Transport for sponsoring the locations for the radioclub “5P6T”.