ODX EA8CXN-OV3T 3709km
New personal record on 2m band for me,
between locators IL18SK and JO46QH.
Gear : Icom9700 + 400w amp, 10elm Yagi.

Read the article written by OZ1FDH in Danish

But for sure some kind of tropo could have prepared the conditions.
No indications would predict the conditions on the maps i guess.
No one else near by my QTH heard EA8. Clearly i was very lucky to be QRV.
Only OZ1CCM worked EA1YV the same time.
Could not believe what i saw. Would have been happy to have worked him on ssb,
but maybe some time in the future 🙂

Congrats for your nice long distancecontact with
Thank you Gerard. Im very happy for this one !
Congrats Thomas!
After calling CQ I suddently saw you calling EA8CXN. I wanted to listen for EA8CXN but my CQ was answered by EA1YV so I felt obliged to answer him. And then there was nothing left of EA8CXN. 🙁
Vy 73 de OZ1CCM, Kjeld